29 Jobs

    Cover letter checklist

    First impressions are key when it comes to applying for a new job. It can make the differences between getting a job interview and a rejection. So make sure it is a good one.

    A good cover letter will allow you to capture the attention of prospective employers and really stand out from the rest of the candidates. It allows you to put your skills, interests, personality and intent in the spotlight and it gives you the opportunity to expand on what's in your resume.


    Your cover letter should be a short, one page letter that you send out together with your resume when applying for a job.


    Make sure to be clear, concise and consistent in what you say, so Keep It Short and Simple (KISS principle). Use strong verbs, facts, numbers and metrics to showcase and emphasize actions and accomplishments. When writing your cover letter, make sure to have one subject per paragraph. Example of strong verbs: advised, examined, oversaw, prepared, resolved, and compiled.


    Your cover letter should have a:

    • Salutation: By salutation we mean your greeting such as 'Dear Mr. X'. Try to avoid things such as "to whom it may concern" and try to use their name.
    • Opening (one paragraph): This gives you a chance to properly introduce yourself and state the position you are applying for. Take this opportunity to let them know why you are a great fit and what your strengths are in few short phrases. Try to avoid things such as "My name is ...", "I am writing to express my interest in", "I'm probably not the strongest candidate, but,...".
    • Main body (two paragraphs): In the main body we can go into detail about how and why you are the best fit for the job. Make sure to match the qualifications, experience, and skills from the job description with your own in a clear and concise manner. When creating the body, make sure to avoid "I" statements and always keep the following questions in mind: "Why should we hire you? What makes you special?". 
    • and Closing paragraph: Create a quick summary of what you talked about in the body and reiterate what separates you from others. Never forget to thank the prospective employer and suggest to have meeting. Then sign off in a professional manner.


    When you think your cover letter is done and in good shape, make sure to always proofread everything. Let someone else read it to since they might catch errors you have overlooked. It can also help to let the cover letter rest for an hour or so before rereading it and sending it out to the prospective employee

    What you should never do

    • Reuse a cover letter. Always start with a fresh page to make sure everything is up-to-date. It is however okay to use the same guidelines.
    • Don't repeat your resumse. The cover letter is meant as an extension of your resume. It gives you the chance to explain everything you want in greater detail.
    • Overly long paragraphs. This will make the cover letter difficult to read and increase the chance that your prospective employer skips your cover letter.
    • Say things that are untrue. Your prospective employer will check certain facts.
    • Any negative comments about past or current employees.
    • Use graphics, pictures, images, tables, etc.